Posters session

The posters session will be open at the Beauchef Room, FCFM, Universidad de Chile on Wednesday 17th from 13:00 to 18:00. See “Venue” section for guiding and maps details. We invite the authors to be present spetially during the wecome brunch (13:30-14:30) and during the cocktail (17:00-18:00) to present their works.

List of selected IPMAS2019 posters:

An unsupervised patch-based approach for exoplanet detection by direct imaging. The PACO algorithm. Olivier Flasseur (1), Loïc Denis (1), Eric Thiébaut (2) and Maud Langlois (2). (1) University of Lyon, La. Hubert Curien (CNRS/IOGS), France. (2) University of Lyon, Centre de Recherche Astrophysique de Lyon (CNRS/ENS), France.

Compressed Sensing Dictionary Selection in the Radio-Interferometry Context. Roberto Rojas (1), Jorge F. Silva (1) and Axel Osses (2), (1) Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica, FCFM, U. de Chile. (2) Departamento de Ingeniería Matemática – CMM, FCFM, U. de Chile.

Modelo 2-D térmico de la subducción chilena, mediante el método de elementos finitos. R. Mancini (1), E. Contreras-Reyes (1), A. Osses (2), L. Cabrera (1), S. Ruiz (1). (1) Departamento de Geofísica, FCFM, U. de Chile. Departamento de Ingeniería Matemática – CMM, FCFM, U. de Chile.

Analysis of the Tocopilla (Mw7.7) 2007 earthquake using fully Bayesian Inverse Methods. Natalia Díaz (1), Francisco Ortega-Culaciatti (1,2), Javier A. Ruiz (1), Mark Simons (3) and Sarah E. Minson (4). (1) Geophysics Department, FCFM, U. de Chile. (2) Advanced Mining Technology Center AMTC, FCFM, U. de Chile. (3) Seismological Laboratory, CALTECH, USA. (4) United States Geological Survey USGS, USA.

Mathematical modelling in Light Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy image reconstruction. Evelyn Cueva (1), Víctor Castañeda (2), Matías Courdurier (3), Steffen Härtel (4), Axel Osses (1). (1) Departamento de Ingeniería Matemática – CMM, FCFM, U. de Chile. (2) Departamento de Tecnología Médica, Fac. de Medicina, U. de Chile. (3) Departamento de Matemática, PUC. (4) SCIAN-Lab, CIMT, CENS, ICBM, Fac. de Medicina, U. de Chile.

Problema inverso para la conductividad del tejido del corazón. Pablo Arratia and Manuel Suil. Departamento de Ingeniería Matemática – CMM, FCFM, U. de Chile.

Numerical Validation of an Homogenized Bone Model. Reidmen Aróstica (1), Jean-Gabriel Minonzio (2,3) and Axel Osses (1).  (1) Departamento de Ingeniería Matemática – CMM, FCFM, U. de Chile. (2) Universidad de Valparaíso, Chile. (3) Sorbonne Université CNRS INSERM.

Lung image registration problem from CT images for medical applications. Rodrigo Quezada (1), Daniel Hurtado (2) and Axel Osses (1). (1) Institute for Biological and Medical Engineering, PUC. (2) Departamento de Ingeniería Matemática – CMM, FCFM, U. de Chile.

Optical Coherence Tomography. Application in Ophthalmology. Claudio Catalán, Mitcheel Lanas and Patricia Menares. Magíster en Informática Médica. Fac. de Medicina, U. de Chile.

Optimal Dual-VENC (ODV) Unwrapping in Phase-Contrast MRI. Hugo Carrillo (1), Axel Osses (1), Sergio Uribe (2,3,4), Cristóbal Bertoglio (3).  (1) Departamento de Ingeniería Matemática – CMM, FCFM, U. de Chile. (2) Millenium Nucleous for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance. (3) Center for Biomedical Imaging, PUC. Radiology Department, School of Medicine, PUC. (4) Bernouilli Institute, U. of Gröningen, The Neetherlands.

Airway Strain Quantification using NURBS. David Ortiz P. (1), Daniel Hurtado (1,2). (1) Departamento de Ingeniería Estructural y Geotécnica, PUC. (2) Institute for Biological and Medical Engineering, PUC.