Speaker: Professor Nicolas Hadjisavvas, University of the Aegean, Greece.
Date: December 1st, 2021 at 10:00 am (Chilean-time)
Title: Continuity and maximal quasimonotonicity of normal cone operators
Abstract: In this talk we present some properties of the adjusted
normal cone operator of quasiconvex functions. In particular, we introduce a
new notion of maximal quasimotonicity for set-valued maps, different from
similar ones that appeared recently in the literature, and we show that this
operator is maximal quasimonotone in this sense. Among other results, we prove
the $s\times w^{\ast}$ cone upper semicontinuity of the normal cone operator
in the domain of $f$, in case the set of global minima is empty, or a
singleton, or has non empty interior (joint work with M. Bianchi and R. Pini).
Venue: Online via Google Meet: https://meet.google.com/cmx-ivvw-saq
A brief biography of the speaker: Nicolas Hadjisavvas is Professor Emeritus, University of the Aegean, Greece. Among other responsabilities He is currently Associate editor of JOTA, JOGO, Optimization, and Optimization Letters; author of 66 papers from which he received 1392 citations according to WoS (without self-citations). In addition, He edited 4 books in Springer, and 5 special journal issues, besides He served as chair of the Working Group on Generalized Convexity (2003-2006, 2015-2018). He has been keynote or invited speaker in many Conferences or Summer Schools.
Coordinators: Fabián Flores-Bazán (CMM, Universidad de Concepción) and Abderrahim Hantoute (Alicante)